And it was against Australia as well! Took their time about it, and Australia probably weren’t that interested, having already qualified… but one has to grasp at whatever straws one can see at times like this.
Now en route to Méribel. Left home at 3.20am this morning, only narrowly remembering to draw back my curtains before I left. A more important action than you might think, my mother being due back in town on Tuesday. Mum takes the status of my curtains very seriously, and has been known to text my sister in London with the current state of play. However for the past week their degree of closure has gone unreported, as my parents have been down in London with said sister, celebrating the birth of little Margaret Lily, born on 20 January. I immediately christened her Orange Lily, without even knowing she was jaundiced. Orange Lily is a reference I know Broon will get, but perhaps not many others. Perhaps best to leave it there. Anyway, orange, or indeed Orange, or not, all of us in the family are delighted to have a daughter/granddaughter/niece.
The flight from Edinburgh to Geneva was more eventful than all of my solo travelling put together. Ruth, in 33A, turned, alarmed, to Jen (33B) after 10 minutes, wondering why there was a light ‘following us’ off to the left. Jen was more interested in her bottle of Baileys, recently purchased from duty free. Just as Phyllida (32A) turned round, seeking a partner for a game of battleships, we established it was the light on the wing. Mandy, in 32B, had been bouncing up and down in her seat, bored, since the five minute mark. Meanwhile Broon, directly in front in 32C, was quietly munching on a chocolate bar, and Jody was on another planet across the way in 33D, alternating between ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design’ and his Gameboy.
DC was in another section altogether, having smiled sweetly at the chunky bloke on the checkin desk, and thus securing himself an ‘upgrade’ to an emergency exit seat way off in the distance. He must have been gutted to miss the chat on ladies’ toilet protocol, in particular the ‘lining’ vs ‘hovering’ debate, that was going on to my left. No doubt he was concentrating on getting his breakfast items in the right order, which is important to the boy.
Once we had retrieved DC’s oversized, overweight (is he a girlie in disguise?) suitcase from the carousel, we piled on to the coach and on towards Méribel, where no doubt more entertainment awaits. I am now in possession of a list of wi-fi hotspots (some of them free, woohoo!) in Méribel, and my trusty PowerBook. I find the whole travelling experience much more comforting with it near at hand. It’s reassuring to know there’s always a spreadsheet nearby if you need one.
And it’s nice to blog again. DC will be blogging for your enjoyment before too long. Sorry that it’s not Wiseman this time, anon, but perhaps soon. I don’t like to disappoint his Fan Club. And you N Americans can be very impatient. Impatient AND very forward…
Excellent post Andrew!! Congrats on being an uncle.
I can only imagine the quality chat from around you. It may have been more eventful than your solo travels but i’ll bet you were glad it wasn’t a 13 hour flight!
Don’t anyone break anything now.
I bet it felt like a 13 hour flight…..
Impatient? Forward? Nope, just busy. Welcome back and congratulation on your new niece :^)
“concentrating on getting his breakfast items in the right order” – I’m a bit confused by that, any chance you could elaborate?
looking forward to DC’s first post.
Congrats Andrew – to you and your family! You know you’ll have to post a photo at some point!
Now I just want to hear about any amusing skiing injuries; Morag loudly pointing out attractive single males to the single females in an attempt to find them spouses; DC’s explanation of his breakfasting regime and any crazy races/competitions Phyllida gets herself into!!